Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

7/11 Tech-Ex

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Droid X bootloader locked down; custom ROMs appear out
July 11, 2010 at 11:20 AM

Folks have been concerned that the upcoming (Thursday!) Motorola Droid X would be in the same situation as the earlier Motorola Milestone, in terms of having a similarly locked bootloader. In fact, it appears that the answer is an unfortunate yes.

CaseCrown Polycarbonate Slim iPhone CasesThere have been reports that people who have pre-release devices and needed ROM updates were stymied by Motorola. Rather than installing the updates themselves, they had to return the devices to Motorola for flashing. While unclear why, it seemed to point to this "feature."

According to Droid developer Stephen Bird, the X indeed has a signed + encrypted bootloader. While he's not sure yet, he's pretty sure it will be the same as on the Milestone.

He did say that the Droid X will be rooted, so that those apps which require root access will still be usable. However, custom ROMs will be out of the picture. Folks have been trying to crack the Milestone's bootloader to enable custom ROMs for months, unsuccessfully.

Of course, most people will just open the box and use the device. For those who really want custom ROMs, however, this is a disappointment. Readers, the device is still a beast. Will this change your mind about buying it?

Click Here For The Wall Street Journal

Fring's device-agnostic video chat proves too popular
July 11, 2010 at 6:10 AM

Fring has just released a device-agnostic version of its iPhone application which allows Android -> iPhone video calls (PCs, too). Unfortunately, its become so popular that they had to block Skype access.

Best Dressed in Class from iSkinFring said it themselves on their forums.
Hello everyone.

This is absolutely amazing. Since the release of our latest iPhone version yesterday we have seen a huge jump in fring video calling.

So, to free up some room for more fring-to-fring video calling, we are temporarily reducing support to Skype. Be patient, we'll have some more updates soon.
Interesting that the traffic would be so huge since those iPhone 4 users would have their own app; FaceTime. Of course, that's only good on wi-fi; Fring supports 3G.

Watch a video call between an iPhone and Android below:

Amazon.com Widgets

T-Mobile moves up Vibrant launch date to July 15
July 11, 2010 at 5:44 AM

We reported earlier that AT&T confirmed a July 18th date for the Captivate, its Samsung Galaxy S variant. It was rumored that T-Mobile was moving up the launch of its own Galaxy S variant, the Vibrant from July 21 to July 15, and that has now been confirmed, also.

DecalGirl.com - Personalize Your World!While unclear if the reason for the Vibrant's bump by six days is the Captivate, it is wouldn't surprise us if that were the case. Both Sprint (Epic 4G, with slide-out keyboard) and Verizon (Fascinate) will also carry Galaxy S variants, but obviously since the Galaxy S is a GSM device the U.S. GSM carriers were going to get it first.

All of these Galaxy S variants will have a 4-inch Super AMOLED, a 1GHz Samsung Hummingbird CPU, Bluetooth 3.0, and Android 2.1. The Vibrant and Captivate will both go for $199 (with a 2-year contract), and the Fascinate and EPIC 4G will likely be close in price, though the 4G's slide-out keyboard might raise the price some.

However, neither the Vibrant nor Captivate will have LED flash, and the Captivate will not (as seems to be the case with all AT&T Android devices) allow sideloading (non-Android Market apps). On the plus side, both of those will have 16GB of internal storage, while the Fascinate will only have 2GB and the Epic 4G 1GB.


Apple buying up Google ads for Dell Streak, HP Slate queries
July 11, 2010 at 4:56 AM

The Dell Streak, that 5" sort-but-not-really tablet is already on sale in the U.K., and it appears Apple is taking no chances. Do a search on the Dell Streak in Google's U.K. search engine, and look what comes up as a sponsored ad? The iPad.

Interestingly, while we were able to duplicate that result, we weren't able to see the other sponsored ad that's been reported as well: it was reported that a query for HP Slate was bringing up a similar iPad ad, but it appears to no longer be happening. Since the fate of the Slate appears on certain, why throw money that way, right?

At any rate, there's nothing wrong with this behavior, per se. One would think, since the iPad is really targeting another audience, that the sponsored ad isn't going to change any minds. However, what's more interesting is that it shows Apple is taking challengers to the iPad seriously.

Of course, a search for Samsung Galaxy S doesn't bring up an iPhone 4 ad. We suppose Apple isn't too worried about Android yet, but they probably ought to be.

Roxio's New Release!

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